Friday 5 May 2017

Let’s find out--How Rich Are you in the World?

Money is not everything, but it’s still the major requisite for us to survive. We all know that there are many lists like Top 100 richest people in the world, Top 10 richest people in the country, but have you ever thought of comparing yourself with rest of the world to find out how rich you are? Obviously, knowing this fact may not solve any purpose, but it could still be a motivating factor and ego boost for yourself. Today, I will be talking about one website which help you to find out how rich you are compared to rest of the world. GlobalRichlist is an online website by PokeLondon, which will let you compares your wealth status with rest of the world.

Global Rich List: Compare your wealth status with rest of the world

GlobalRichlist is a beautifully designed wealth comparison site, which helps you to check your wealth status based on two factors:
  • Your current salary/Income
  • Your wealth possession
To get started with this site, head over to their homepage and add your yearly income, along with your country of residence and click on show my results.
How rich are you
And you will be seeing a result like this:
Your wealth report
And that’s not all, you can scroll down to get more stats like:
  • How much money you make in an hour
  • Some interesting facts like : You earn ₹350000 in 1 year. It would take the average labourer inGhana 97 years to earn the same amount.
  • An example below:

Do remember, this site doesn’t consider many facts like amount of loan you have to pay, and various other factors, but if you are fascinated with lists like Times rich list, you will be amused to know that you are not doing bad either. You might not be in the top of the list, but you are still doing far better than many others in the world, and that’s why you have internet to read this article.
Go ahead, give it a shot and do let me know what’s your rich percentage. If you find this website interesting, do share this article on Facebook and Google plus.

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