Tuesday 30 May 2017

7 Ways to Make Money With Your YouTube Channel

7 Ways to Make Money With Your YouTube Channel
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It's easy to start YouTube channel but difficult to make money. Initially people were misusing YouTube by uploading copyrighted videos on their channel and inserting Ads to make money. But now YouTube became strict in approving Adsense account. As per the latest news, YouTube channel must have at least 10,000 views before anyone can start showing Ads.

Here are 7 interesting methods to earn money on YouTube.

1. Advertising
YouTube can be linked with google Adsense account to start earning from display Ads. YouTube is owned by Google and it's very easy to insert video Ads into your videos.

The cost per view keeps on varying depending upon the quality of your audience. A YouTube channel for iPhone reviews will make more money per views than a channel which is reviewing books.

On an average you make $1 to $2 for 1000 views on your video. Don't worry about the money initially but focus on building a strong channel.

YouTube SEO expert Iftekhar Ahmed says, "There's no Good or bad niche on YouTube, instead, you should start with something that you are good and passionate about".

2. Affiliate marketing
If you have a good audience base on a niche segment (travel, fashion, shopping, finance) then you can partner with brands for affiliate marketing.

Approach a company related to your target audience with a proposal that you can sell their products. If they agree, link one of their products into your video description. You can get a decent commission from every sale. This amount can be anything from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1000 for every conversion through your link.

3. Direct promotion (Sponsorship)
The advertising company pays you a fixed amount for their collaboration with your youtube channel. Affiliate income varies as per the conversions but sponsorship is fixed amount per video.

You will have to show their products into your video and they pay you money for their branding. The amount can vary from Rs.5,000 to Rs. 100,000 depending on the popularity of your channel.

4. Paid videos
You can make money by charging your readers for watching your videos. If you are in the education industry then you can have a mix of free and paid videos.

Keep 90% of your videos free and share the basic knowledge with your audience. For high value advance knowledge, you can charge your audience for the video content. You can also make your video courses and promote on your YouTube channel.

5. Crowdsourcing
Some companies don't charge anything from their customers or brands. They don't even put Ads on their videos.

They ask donation money from their audience so that they can pay their own bills. It's worth trying, people are supporting big companies like Wikipedia through donations. The same method can be applied to your YouTube channel if you want to work like a NGO.

6. Direct sell your products
Why to promote other businesses if you can sell your own products through your YouTube channel.

If you are running a small to medium e-commerce business then you can sell your products directly to your audience through your YouTube channel. You can educate your audience through your video and at the end of video ask them to buy a relevant product from your e-store.

7. Customer leads for your business
If you are a service oriented business like Lawyers, Accountants and Consultants then you can find your leads through YouTube channel.

Imagine that if one of your videos goes viral then thousands of people would be able to see what you are offering. Make sure you give more preference to what your audience wants to learn through your videos rather than promoting your product.

Let us know if you found the article helpful. Are you ready to start your own YouTube channel?

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